February 2009

No one has “graced” this post in quite some time so, as I have been “lazy” to post on any , I was sitting down to begin to go to sleep when the realization came that I had been JUST sitting on the edge of my “pallet” and NOT giving my ‘creator’ their PROPER DUE as I toppled over to rest.

In the search for anything to say as a recognition, or thought of assistance to another, I just “couldn’t” come up with what I thought was WORTHY. I toppled, trampolined back to erected seating with these…

I don’t have nice prayers to say to you ‘Lord’

There’s nary a word that my lips could form

that won’t make you boored.

For ‘Gospels’ were uttered by better than me

I’ve done too much wrong to force a nearer to thee.

There’s too many sins for this one man to count

And I’m far past some saving, I’m losing life’s bout.

But, if hope was the last thing left in Pandora’s box

I know that, just maybe, YOU haven’t been shocked.

So bless my Mother and Brothers, ALL my family and such

And those who’ve mistreated this world oh so much.

Because, even though I haven’t had so much to say

I THANK YOU so much for getting me through this day.

Mysterious ways… in-deed.

Hello, this is “Om”, I oversee this plot of “thought catch” that was so deftly painted by the ever growing “Panora”. It hasn’t been recently blessed by her gently prodding words of late, but I have something that, I hope goes well with her type of penning.

I don’t know if any of you have ‘WITNESSED’ the movie ” SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE” and how the people of the nation of INDIA, (a VERY large population of SAFFRON eaters there.), viewed the movie’s representation of their life-“styles” as how the rest of us see them. As a person who was raised through the blended doctrines of five-thousand years of ancient intellects being “dismissed” for gauche societal rapings I have tried to learn about the “buildings” of those who are, now, our “lesser” kin, those that we find “exotic”, only for the fact that they don’t have a McDonald’s every six blocks. Or “Barbie” living in a nine room copy of what “Daddy” is taking “hemorrhoid medicine” for. [He dove into a \”pile\” of …. to get an autograph.], (“The number of people living in slums in India has more than doubled in the past two decades and now exceeds the entire population of Britain”, the Indian Government has announced. [Slums bigger than the Queen\’s \”home ground\”.] And this is but the tip of the proverbial Iceberg, ( but THIS ONE is NOT under any surface that WE “CAN’T SEE”.), when we NOTICE the waves of homeless and PARENTLESS children on any continent of this orb. [By \”the numbers\”.] And as the young stars were left to live their “art-filled” lives they were left to continue that “story book” tale until the movie focused too much light on their national “SHAME”. [They didn\’t care until there was \”GOLD\”.]

There is an ‘URBAN CHALLENGE’, [Educations for a WORLD \”not of their making\”.], of how we humans arrive to the challenges of thought and decision making “without” the formal feeding of information that so many of us are acquainted to, but how does the “rest of the world” survive, yet alone thrive ? [Why can\’t a \’DOCTOR\’ \”KNOW\” ?] The one thing that is sure is that HOW the newly forming adult to “BE” carries EVERY LESSON GIVEN to them for the remainder of their time on this EARTH. Whether, or not, they use those lessons “FOR the GOOD” is ALL in how WE make for their good at THIS TIME. How do YOU see the near, ( it’s touching your body hairs right now !), future with the child soldiers of Africa, Asia and South America soon to claim THEIR places in the “WORKPLACES” that just may employ your children ? Gives an entirely new context to “GONE POSTAL”… doesn’t it ? We must do something about this because this world has become a neighborhood, we can travel to the other side of it in less time now than it took our great-grand parents to get from one side of Rhode Island to the state line of Connecticut.

YET, and STILL… we let the children SUFFER.

As this is 07/14/09 I update to tell you theses facts. After  all of the praise these young folks got, with Oscars and such, the Director and the Indian government allowed: 1.) The HOME/ SLUM of the young man who played the brother to be TORN DOWN. Also the young girl’s. It took over three months of INTERNATIONAL NEWS coverage to finally force these monied moon offerers to bestow their promises to the very people they’d glorified on film.

This ‘BLOG’ has not had another author to give it a LIFE since “PANORA” left to heal the world that matters most to her, and WILL stay that way until there is someone else that has the same effects of telling of their FAITH without bludgeoning the reader. This is the only reason that whoever is visiting periodically might consider putting a word or two onto this space.